Monthly Archives: May 2020

Restaurant Pizzeria +39

Restaurant Pizzeria +39 at Castenaso (BO)   We have installed a soot abatememt system Mod. Smoki Junior 250 serving the wood fired oven and a central hood for kitchen fumes. Slowly, but gradually, we feel the signs of rebirth in our sector. We are really happy about it. Our closeness to all of you, because we know how difficult this re-start can be.

“TIN BOTA” Restaurant Pizzeria.

What a great feeling to be back at work after a long time! Of course, in full compliance with current rules. Here we are in Rimini, Viale Mantova 19 at the “TIN BOTA” Restaurant Pizzeria. We have carried out the installation of flues for the expulsion of fumes from the wood fired oven, gas boiler, kitchen and the arrangement of the chimney for the Hotel above. It is the dawn of a new Life. Now, we all understand how important it is not