Monthly Archives: Март 2020


Will remain closed fo Covid-19 Emergency

Dear Customer, with great sense of responsibility, we at Smoki, have decided to do our part to deal with the Coronavirus emergency. Starting today 16th March, our beloved company will remain closed until a later date. It is an important moment where there is no we , you or the others, but a Homeland, unique and united that we all must help. May our hugs reach you all, confident that this too will pass soon. Smoki srl

Max 300

Pizzeria dal Moro — Maxi 300

A very nice and demanding job for our team at  the Restaurant Pizzeria  «DAL MORO» in Aulla, (MS)  Tuscany. We have just finished the installation of a Maxi 300 serving 2 wood fired pizza ovens , a suction system including fans, ducting and air integration. Thank you for trusting us, ALWAYS!