Certified quality for sales in Europe, Canada and the USA. (authorization nr. MH60726).

Smoki manufactures equipment used in the industrial and catering fields, with no limit to power and size, always in compliance with current regulations. 

We specialize in flues, extraction systems, air handling and the production and installation of soot and grease abatement systems.

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Un montaggio con un’insolita vista dai tetti dell’incantevole Firenze.. Abbiamo installato uno Smoki Junior con valvola motorizzata, copertura per esterno e quadro con temporizzatore all’esterno della pizzeria “AL SOLITO POSTO”, via dei Camaldoli 2/R , Firenze. Cliente felice del risultato grazie al nostro Team. An unusual view from the rooftops of the enchanting Florence … We have installed a Smoki Junior with motorized discharge valve and insulated protection panel on the roof of the pizzeria “AL SOLITO POSTO”, via dei Camaldoli 2 / R, Florence . Another happy customer thanks to our Team.

Al Solito Posto - Junior Smoki